The revenge of automotive methane!

The revenge of automotive methane!

Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of natural gas distribution facilities for motor vehicles in Italy. Thanks to the drop in the price of natural gas, the now well-known TTF – Title Transfer Facility (the reference index used to determine natural gas prices in the European market), these outlets are growing in number, with new plants being opened and other plants reopening after closing due to the disproportionate cost of the raw material. These positive signs show a clear recovery in the industry and offer confidence going forward.

GRAF Group and ASPRO Italy support and sustain the spread of CNG service stations by providing the best compressors and dispensers of the latest generation.

Behind this renewed and positive trend is a fact: natural gas is currently the least polluting fuel available to motorists. Moreover, the use of biomethane can further reduce CO2 emissions by up to 120% compared to diesel, enabling a negative environmental balance to be achieved. We are therefore talking about a choice that is environmentally friendly and, at the same time, considers the pockets of consumers. Currently, the average price of CNG at the pump in Emilia-Romagna is about 1.40 euros/kg, while the average price of gasoline is about 1.80 euros/liter. This means that consumers can already embrace environmentally friendly conduct for their travels and at the same time can save up to 35-40% compared to using gasoline!

In addition to automotive use, its versatility and increasing availability make CNG an attractive choice for a variety of applications as an energy source for industrial and domestic plants.

Herein lies the explanation for what we have called the “revenge of methane gas,” which stems from the indisputable and virtuous coexistence of energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and significant cost savings. CNG’s current and future potential make it a smart choice for those seeking a sustainable and truly affordable alternative to gasoline, diesel and the (still in development) electric.

Now, more than ever, it is time to embrace the ecological potential of CNG and drive toward a cleaner, more sustainable, and affordable future. Getting informed about this could hold some interesting surprises!

gassolution macchina

GRAF GASTECH S.r.l. – Compressors & Technologies for Alternative Fuels

Via Albert Einstein 63
40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) - ITALY-
Tel.: +39 059 9121173
P.IVA/C.F. 03382980369
Codice Destinatario: M5UXCR1


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