GRAF Gastech at Motor Valley Fest 2024: innovation and sustainability in the foreground

GRAF Gastech at Motor Valley Fest 2024: innovation and sustainability in the foreground

Form 2nd to 5th May, GRAF Gastech, GRAF Industries Group, will be the protagonist of the Motor Valley Fest 2024, inside the ” HI-TECH Hydrogen Point”.

With almost thirty years of experience in the industry, GRAF Gastech offers gas compression, measurement and distribution systems, also aimed at biomethane and biogas plants, with state-of-the-art technology for CNG and LNG service stations, making them safer and more efficient.

In a global context increasingly oriented towards clean energy sources, hydrogen is emerging as an increasingly promising solution. GRAF Gastech has pioneered this challenge, standing out as one of the first Italian companies to develop innovative technologies to exploit hydrogen in key sectors such as mobility, stationary energy and industry.

GRAF Gastech will bring to Motor Valley Fest 2024 a selection of products and solutions dedicated to hydrogen, such as the GBH2-D hydraulic booster, characterised by a double pumping unit that can reach up to 1,000 bar in delivery, ideal for systems with high flow requirements or powered by electrolysers, and the DH2 dispenser, equipped with internal electronics and capable of refuelling heavy vehicles at 350 bar and light vehicles at 700 bar, in accordance with SAE J2601 fueling protocol.

During the event, hosted at the prestigious indoor venue of the Military Academy, it will be possible to immerse oneself in the latest technologies developed for hydrogen, surrounded by wonderful hydrogen or fuel cells cars and hypercars.

We are looking forward to meeting many visitors, enthusiasts and insiders, sensitive to environmental and economic sustainability, to whom we will enthusiastically talk about our customised solutions for modern sustainable mobility needs.

Appointment with GRAF Gastech at Motor Valley Fest 2024, at the Modena Military Academy, “HI-TECH Hydrogen Point” area.

OGU 2024, May 14-16, Uzbekistan

OGU 2024, May 14-16, Uzbekistan

26th Anniversary of International Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference – OGU 2024

May 14 -16, 2024

Uzexpocentre NEC, Tashkent

The main annual event is a recognized business platform among oil and gas industry professionals. This is the meeting place of top experts in the field of oil, gas and energy. Here the latest developments are presented, trend reports are heard, presentations are made by young scientists, memoranda, agreements and contracts are signed for further cooperation.

GRAF Gastech will participate at the CIUZ (Italian-Uzbek Chamber of Commerce) booth along with other Italian manufacturers of the equipment of this industrial sector.

It will be a great honour for our company to present the latest technologies and our high quality products, 100% MADE IN ITALY.

We look forward to seeing you there! HALL 1 – BOOTH B60

Visit the official site

GRAF GASTECH S.r.l. – Compressors & Technologies for Alternative Fuels

Via Albert Einstein 63
40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) - ITALY-
Tel.: +39 059 9121173
P.IVA/C.F. 03382980369
Codice Destinatario: M5UXCR1


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